Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Firstly, I would like mention that Azri Haziq Bin Johar is one of my best friend because when we were form 3 we were close. In class I sit next to him. The speciality sit next to him is if I not done my homework yet I will 'ask him for help'...if you know what i mean...haha...secondly because he is the monitor of class, teacher would often ask for him to help, so he would ask me to join him so i could also skip some class...bad me...haha...but sit next to him does give me a huge impact because he is so clever, diligent and also active. He also one of my idol...hahaha...because of him helping me and teaching me, i score 6 A's in PMR exam...thanks bro

As i told before, if i have a twin Muhammad Khairul Hadi Bin Khairuddin he would be. He was born 2 September 1995. Now stay at Putrajaya Presint 14. We become 'brother' while we were form 4 because only 6 boy in our class. Then almost everything in school we would done together...haha...even when we were playing football, i could pass to him without a glance because i know where would he be. Usually after school i will 'lepak'-ing at his house...haha...sometime we will play PS2 or surf internet or watch cartoon together. As for his ability or speciality is 'sweet talker'. This is because girls are very easy to close to him. This is also why i do jealous about him...haha

But when I was in form 5. I had to change class. So i no longer do everything with Hadi...hmmm...but in new class I was close with Muhammad Afif Bin Abdullah. His name even close to me like 'Alif n Afif'...right? In class we would playing cards with classmates. His passion toward motorcycle made him a great rider...hahaha...He was born 5 June 1995. Stay at Kg. Sg. Merab. Now he study about welding. I hope he can be the best welder. We also like to talk about girls, I mean his girlfriend...haha...he would ask me a favor, then i would talk to his girlfriend to solve it. But now everything has change. He no longer dating his girlfriend. I hope you get new one sooner bro.

I do have best girlfriend. Not that kind of girlfriend but only very good friend. She is Nur Liyana Binti Mahzan. I dont know why, from our age 5 or 6 we would end up in same school...haha...she also one of the prettiest person I ever know when I was 6 years old. Almost every year she would wish me birthday but I barely wish her because i keep forget her birthday...sorry...for me she is nice person but sometimes annoying very much. Even her parents know me and sometime came to my house in Eid. But now I am trying to comfort her because i want her blessing 'with her sister'...haha

The other one is Liyana's best friend that is also my best friend. Her name is Nabilah binti Mohd Hanim. She now study in Matriks. Just like Liyana she also always in same class with me at school. For me she is a great artist because she had painted and drew many picture that are very nice and beautiful. Other things i like about her is when i visit her house in Eid her father will give a 'big Duit Raya'....if you know what i mean...hahaha...her birthday same month like Liyana and almost everything almost like Liyana. I think these why Liyana and Nabilah are bestfriend.

These are some of my best friend so far and they were very helpful to me while I in primary school and secondary school. It is very grateful that i meet them.

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