Saturday, February 15, 2014


although my parents are not perfect but this is the best i ever had...they are an inspiration for me in doing all the things(only positve, negative on me by myself)

Father's name: Abdul Wahab Bin Kosni
Occupation: policeman
Birthday: 31/August/1965
Mother's name: Rosteh Binti Muniram
Occcupation: housewife
Birthday: 7/October/1963
Brother's name: Akiffudin Bin Abdul Wahab
Occupation: postman
Birthday: 3/Mac/1990
Brother's name: Muhamad Adib Bin Abdul Wahab
Birthday: 16/April/2008

These poeple i really care about...although somethimes feel annoyed it will never last long because if i had nothing in this world, i still have these people.

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